Auto User Guide

2018 Renault Alaskan Owner’s Manual


2018 Alaskan Owner’s Manual

With the 2018 Renault Alaskan, the automaker makes a solid and adaptable foray into this well-liked market with a mid-size pickup truck. It is mostly renowned for finding a happy medium between comfort and utility, providing a competent 2.3-litre dCi diesel engine with multiple power levels to meet diverse demands. The Alaskan is a great vehicle for demanding off-road excursions as well as city commutes. It comes in two-wheel and four-wheel drive variants. It is the perfect vehicle for both business and play because of its impressive towing capacity and roomy bed. The interior of the Alaskan is furnished with contemporary infotainment and security systems, guaranteeing a safe and comfortable ride. In the pickup truck segment, this car embodies Renault’s dedication to balancing functionality and passenger comfort.



  • Do not drive and/or ride in the vehicle with the seatback reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be properly against the body. In an accident, you and your passengers could be thrown into the shoulder belt and receive neck or other serious injuries. You and your passengers could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious injuries.
  • For the most effective protection, while the vehicle is in motion, the seatback should be upright. Always sit well back and upright in the seat and adjust the seat properly.
  • Do not leave children unattended inside the vehicle. They could unknowingly activate switches or controls, or make the vehicle move. Unattended children could become involved in serious accidents.
  • To help avoid the risk of injury or death through the unintended operation of the vehicle and/or its systems, do not leave children, people who require the assistance of others, or pets unattended in your vehicle. Additionally, the temperature inside the closed vehicle on a warm day can quickly become high enough to cause a significant risk of injury or death to people and pets.

When adjusting the seat positions, be sure not to contact any moving parts to avoid possible injuries and/or damage.


Do not adjust the driver’s seat while driving so that full attention may be given to vehicle operation. Manual seat adjustment (where fitted)

After adjusting the seat, gently shake the seat to confirm that the seat is locked securely. If the seat is not locked securely, it may move suddenly and could cause the loss of control of the vehicle.

Forward and backward:

  1. Pull the adjusting lever ➀ up.
  2. Slide the seat to the desired position.
  3. Release the adjusting lever to lock the seat in position.2018-Renault-Alaskan-Owner-s-Manual-Forward-and-backward-FIG-1

When moving the seats forward or backward, or returning the arear-reclined seatback to its upright position, make sure you hold onto the seatback while operating. If the seatback is not held, the seat or seatback will move suddenly and could cause injury.

  1. Pull the adjusting lever ➁ up.
  2. Tilt the seatback to the desired position.
  3. Release the adjusting lever to lock the seatback in position.

The reclining feature allows the adjustment of the seatback foroccupants of different sizes to help ob-tain the proper seat belt fit. The seatback may be reclined to allow occupants to rest when the vehicle is parked.

Seat lifter (wherefitted):
Pull up or push down the adjusting lever ➂ to ad-justthe seat height until the desired position is achieved.
Power seat adjustment (wherefitted)

Never leave children or adults who would normally require the support of another alone in the vehicle.Pets should not be left alone either. They could unknowingly activate switches or controls, or move the vehicle, and inadvertently become involved in serious accident and injure themselves.

Operating tips:

  • The power seat motor has an auto-reset overload protection circuit. If the motor stops during the seat adjustment, wait 30 seconds, then re-activate the switch.
  • To avoid discharge of the battery, do not operate the power seats for a long period of time when the engine is not running.

Forward and backwards:
Move the adjusting switch ➀ forward or backward to the desired position.

Move the adjusting switch ➁ forwardorbackward to the desired position. The reclining feature allows the adjustment of the seatback foroccupants of different sizes to help obtain the proper seatbelt fit. The seatback may be reclined to allow occupants to rest when the vehicle is parked.

The seatback should not be reclined any more than needed for comfort. Seat belts are most effective when the passenger sits well back and the seat. If the seatback is reclined, the risk of sliding under the lap belt and being injured is increased.

Seat lifter:

  1. Pull up or push down the adjusting switch as shown to adjust the seat height until the desired position is achieved.
  2. Tilt up or down the adjusting switch as shown to adjust the front angle of the seat until the de-sired position is achieved.

Lumbar support:
The lumbar support feature provides lower back support to the driver.
Pusheach side of the adjusting switches ➀ and ➁ to adjust the seat lumbar area until the desired position is achieved.

Heated seats (wherefitted)
The front seats canbewarmed by built-in heaters. The switches located on the centre console canbe operated independently of each other.

  1. Startthe engine.
  2. Select heat range.
    1. Forhigh heat, push the <HI> (High) side of the switch ➀.
    2. Forlow heat, push the <LO> (Low) side of the switch ➁.
    3. The indicator light ➂ will illuminate when the heater is on.
  3. To turn off the heater,return the switch to the level position.
    1. Makesurethe indicator light turns off.
    2. The heater is controlled by a thermostat, automatically turning the heater on and off.The indicator light will remain on as long as the switch is on. When the vehicle’s interior is warmed be sureto turn off the switch.


  • The batterycould run down if the seat heater is operated while the engine is not running.
  • Do not use the seat heater forextendedperi-ods or when no one is using the seat.
  • Do not put anything on the seat whichinsu-latesheat, such as ablanket, cushion, seat cover,etc. Otherwise, the seat may become overheated.
  • Do not place anything hardorheavy on the seat or pierce it with apin or a similar object. This may result in damage to the seat heater.
  • Anyliquidspilledonthe heated seat should be removed immediately with adry cloth.
  • When cleaning the seat, neveruse petrol, thin-ner,orany similar materials.
  • If anymalfunctions arefound or the heated seat does not operate, turn the switch offand have the system checkedbyanapproved dealer or qualified workshop.

REAR SEATS (Double Cabmodel) Folding
The jackand tools arestored in the toolstorage compartment located under the rear seat cushion. To access the tool storage compartment, fold the rear seats in the following steps.

  1. Remove the hook ja.
  2. Liftupthe seat cushion ➀.
  3. Securethe seat cushion with the strap ➁.

To remove the jack and tools, see “Preparing tools” in the “6.Incase of emergency” section.

Do not drive the vehicle with the rear seat folded.
When returning the rear seat to the originalposi-tion, be certain the seat belts and the buckles are positioned properly.Securethe seat cushion using the hook ja.


  • Never allow anyone to ride on the rear seats when they areinthe fold-up position. Use of this area by passengerswithout proper restraints could result in serious injuryor death in an accident or sudden stop.
  • When foldingorreturning the rear seat, be careful not to squeeze your finger between the seat cushion and the body side.

JUMP SEATS (wherefitted forKing Cabmodels)

  • Do not use the jump seats forchild restraint installation.
  • When folding or returning the jump seat, be careful not to squeeze your finger between the seat cushion and the body side.
  • Jump seats aredesigned as temporary seats only and should only be used on occasional shortdistancetravels.

Head restraints supplement the other vehicle safety systems. They may provide additional pro-tection againstinjuryincertain rear end colli-sions. Adjustable head restraints must be adjusted properly,asspecified in this section. Check the adjustment after someone else uses the seat. Do not attach anything to the head re-straint stalksorremove the head restraint. Do not use the seat if the head restraint has been re-moved. If theheadrestraintwas removed, rein-stall and properly adjust the head restraint be-fore an occupant uses the seating position. Fail-uretofollow these instructions canreducethe effectiveness of the head restraint. This may in-crease the risk of serious injury or death in acol-lision.

  • Your vehicle is equipped with aheadrestraint thatmay be integrated, adjustable or non-ad-justable.
  • Adjustable head restraints have multiple notches along the stalk to lock them in adesired adjustment position.
  • The non-adjustable head restraints have asingle locking notch to secure them to the seat frame.
  • Proper Adjustment:
    • For theadjustable type,align the head re-straint so the centreofyour earisapproxi-mately level with the centreofthe head re-straint.
    • Ifyourear position is still higher than the rec-ommended alignment, placethe head restraint at the highest position.
  • If the head restraint has been removed, ensure that it is reinstalledand locked in placebefore riding in that designated seating position.


  1. Removable head restraint
  2. Multiple notches
  3. Lock knob
  4. Stalks


If youare wearing the seat belt properly adjusted and sitting uprightand well back in the seat, chances of beinginjured or killed in an accident and/or the severity of injurymay be greatly reduced. RENAULT strongly encourages youand all of your passengerstobuckle up everytime youdrive, even if your seating position includes the supplemental air bag systems.


  • Seat belts aredesigned to bear upon the bony structureofthe body,and should be worn low across the front of the pelvis or the pelvis, chest and shoulders, as applicable; wearing the lap section of the belt across the abdomi-nal area must be avoided. Serious injurymay occur if aseatbelt is not worn properly.
  • Position the lap belt as low and snug as pos-sible around the hips, not the waist. Alap belt worntoo high could increase the risk of inter-nal injuries in an accident.
  • Do not allow morethan one person to use the same seat belt. Each belt assembly must only be used by one occupant; it is dangerous to put abelt around achild being carried on the occupant’s lap.
  • Never carrymorepeople in the vehicle than thereare seat belts.
  • Never wear seat belts inside out. Belts should not be wornwith straps twisted. Doing so may reducetheir effectiveness.
  • Seat belts should be adjusted as firmly as pos-sible, consistentwith comfort, to provide the protection forwhich they have been designed. Aslack belt will greatly reducethe protection afforded to the wearer.
  • Everyperson who drives or rides in this ve-hicle should use aseatbelt at all times. Chil-dren should be in the rear seats and in an ap-propriaterestraint.
  • Do not put the belt behind your back or under your arm. Always route the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. The belt should be away from your faceand neck, but not fallingoff your shoulder.Serious injury may occur if aseatbelt is not worn properly.
  • No modifications or additions should be made by the user which will either prevent the seat belt adjusting devices from operating to re-move slack, or prevent the seat belt assembly from being adjusted to remove slack.
  • Care should be taken to avoid contamination of the webbing with polishes, oils and chemi-cals, and particularly batteryacid.Cleaning may safely be carried out using mild soap and water.The belt should be replaced if webbing becomesfrayed, contaminated or damaged.
  • It is essentialtoreplace the entireassembly after it has been worn in asevereimpacteven if damage to the assembly is not obvious.
  • All seat belt assemblies including retractors and attaching hardwareshould be inspected after anycollision by an approved dealer or qualified workshop.RENAULT recommends that all seat belt assemblies in use during a collision be replaced unless the collision was minor and the belts show no damage and con-tinue to operate properly.Seatbelt assemblies not in use during acollision should also be in-spectedand, when necessary, replacedifei-ther damage or improper operation is noted.
  • Oncethe pre-tensioner seat belt (wherefitted) has activated, it cannotbereused.Itmust be replaced together with the retractor.Contact an approved dealer or qualified workshop.
  • Removal and installation of the pre-tensioner seat belt system (wherefitted) components should be done by an approved dealer or qualifiedworkshop.


  • Infants and children needspecial protection. The vehicle’s seat belts may not fit them prop-erly.The shoulder belt may come too close to the faceorneck. The lap belt may not fit over their small hipbones. In an accident, an im-properly fitted seat belt could cause serious or fatal injury.
  • Always use an appropriate child restraint sys-tem.

Children needadults to help protect them.They need to be properly restrained. The proper restraint depends on the child’s size.

Infants and small children
RENAULTrecommends that infants and small chil-dren be seated in achild restraint system. You should choose achild restraintsystem that fits your vehicle and the child,and always follow the manu-facturer’sinstructions forinstallation and use.

Large children

  • Never allow children to stand or kneel on any seats.
  • Never allow children in the luggage areas while the vehicle is moving. Achild could be seriously injured in an accident or sudden stop.

Children who aretoo large for a child restraint sys-tem should be seated and restrained by the seat belts that are provided. If the child’s seating position has shoulder belt thatfits close to the face or neck, the use of a booster seat (commercially available) may help overcome this. The booster seat should raise the child so that the shoulder belt is properly positioned across the top,middle portion of the shoulder and the lap belt is low on the hips. The booster seat should also fit the vehicle seat. Oncethe child has grown so that the shoulder belt is no longer on or near the faceorneckofthe child,use the shoulder belt without the booster seat. In addition, thereare manytypes of child restraint systems available for larger children that should be used for maximum protection.

RENAULT recommends that pregnant women use seat belts. The seat belt should be worn snug, and always position the lap belt as low as possible around the hips, not the waist. Placethe shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never run the lap/shoulder belt over your abdominal area. Contact your doctor forspecific recommendations.

RENAULT recommends that injured persons use seat belts. Contact your doctor for specific recommendations.

Selecting correct set of seat belts The centre seatbelt buckle (and/or tongue, where fitted) is identified by the <CENTER> mark. The centre seatbelt tongue can be fastened only into the centre seatbelt buckle.

The seatback should not be in a reclined position anymore than needed for comfort. Seat belts are most effective when the passenger sits well back and the seat.

  1. Adjust the seat. (See “Manual seat adjustment (wherefitted)” earlier in this section.)
  2. Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insertthe tongue into the buckle until youhear and feel the latch engage.
    1. The retractor is designed to lock during a sudden stop or on impact. Aslow pulling motion permits the seat belt to move, and allows you some freedom of movement in the seat.
    2. If the seat belt cannot be pulled from its fully retracted position, firmly pull the belt and release it. Then smoothly pull the belt out of the retractor.
  3. Position the lap belt portion low and snug on the hips as shown.
  4. Pull the shoulder belt portion toward the retrac-tor to take extra slack. Be surethe shoulder belt is routed over your shoulder and is snug across your chest.

Shoulderbelt height adjustment (for front seats)

  • The shoulder belt anchorheight the position best for you. Failure to do so may reducethe effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severity of injury in an accident.
  • The shoulder belt should rest on the middle of the shoulder.Itmust not rest against the neck.
  • Be surethat the seat belt is not twisted in any way.
  • Be surethat the shoulderbelt anchor is secured by trying to move the shoulder belt an-chor up and down after adjustment.

To adjust, pull on the release button ➀ and move the shoulder belt anchor to the proper position ➁, so that the belt passes over the centre of the shoulder.The belt should be away from your faceand neck, but not falling off your shoulder.Release the button to lock the shoulder belt anchor into posi-tion.

Unfastening seat belts
Push the button on the buckle. The seat belt automatically retracts.

Checking seat belt operation
Seat belt retractors are designed to lock seat belt movement:

  • When the seat belt is pulled quickly from the retractor.
  • When the vehicle slows down rapidly.

To increase your confidence in the seat belts, check the operation by grasping the shoulder belt and pulling forward quickly.The retractor should lock and restrict further belt movement. If the retractor does not lock during this check, contact an ap-proved dealer or qualified workshop immediately.


What type of vehicle is the 2018 Renault Alaskan?

The Renault Alaskan is a mid-size pickup truck.

What engine options are available for the 2018 Alaskan?

It typically comes with a choice of a 2.3-liter dCi diesel engine in different power outputs.

Does the Alaskan offer a four-wheel drive option?

Yes, it’s available in both two-wheel and four-wheel drive configurations.

What is the towing capacity of the Renault Alaskan?

The Alaskan has a towing capacity of up to 3,500 kg (7,716 lbs), depending on the configuration.

What are the transmission options in the Alaskan?

It’s available with either a manual or an automatic transmission.

How many passengers can the 2018 Alaskan accommodate?

The Alaskan can typically seat up to five passengers.

What is the fuel efficiency of the Renault Alaskan?

Fuel efficiency varies by model and driving conditions, but the Alaskan is generally known for its efficient diesel engines.

Does the 2018 Alaskan have off-road capabilities?

Yes, especially in its four-wheel drive variants, it’s equipped for off-road driving.

What are the bed dimensions of the Alaskan?

The bed dimensions vary, but it generally offers a spacious and practical loading area.

Does the Alaskan come with advanced safety features?

It includes safety features like ABS, airbags, and possibly stability control, depending on the model.

What infotainment options are available in the 2018 Alaskan?

The Alaskan may come with an infotainment system featuring navigation, Bluetooth connectivity, and multimedia support.

Is there a luxury trim available for the Alaskan?

Yes, higher trim levels offer additional luxury and convenience features.

What are the main competitors of the Renault Alaskan?

Competitors include models like the Toyota Hilux, Ford Ranger, and Nissan Navara.

What is the payload capacity of the Renault Alaskan?

The payload capacity varies but is generally competitive within its vehicle class.

Are there customization options available for the Alaskan?

Renault typically offers various customization options for accessories and features.

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