Auto User Guide

2023 Renault Master Owner’s Manual


2023 Renault Master Owner’s Manual

An important improvement to Renault’s well-liked commercial vehicle portfolio is the 2023 Renault Master. It has upgraded features designed to increase effectiveness, comfort, and usefulness for many professional applications. Advanced driver-assistance technologies, a more contemporary and ergonomic interior, and perhaps upgraded powertrain options to meet the needs of both long-distance and urban driving are among the major improvements. These enhancements highlight Renault’s dedication to commercial vehicle innovation and customer satisfaction.


On vehicles fitted with this function, control A allows you to adjust the height of the beams according to the load. Turn control A downwards to lower the headlights and upwards to raise them. The table below gives some examples. In all cases, adjust control A according to the vehicle load so that the road can be seen and other drivers are not dazzled. When driving on the left in a left-hand drive vehicle (or vice versa), you must adjust your lights temporarily for the duration of your trip.

Temporary adjustment
Open the bonnet and identify the mark- ing B next to one of the front headlight projectors. For each headlight, using a screw- driver, turn the screw 1 by a quarter turn towards the – symbol to lower the beams.
Return to the starting point once your trip is over: turn the screw 1 by a quar- ter turn towards the + symbol to raise the beams.

Direction indicators
Move the stalk 1 in the same direc- tion as you want to move the steering wheel.

One-touch mode
Briefly shift the stalk 1 upwards or downwards, not exceeding the point of resistance, then release it: the stalk will return to its original position and the direction indicator light concerned will flash three times.

Press on the sides 2 of the steering wheel boss.

Headlight flasher
Pull stalk 1 towards you then release it to flash the headlights.

Hazard warning lights
Press the switch 3. This switch activates all four direction indicators and the side indicator lights simultaneously. It must only be used in an emergency to warn drivers of other vehicles that you have had to stop in an area where stopping is prohibited or unexpected, or that you are obliged to drive under special conditions. In the event of emergency braking or sudden deceleration, the flashing lights are activated at a faster frequency. They are switched off automatically once the emergency braking or deceleration is complete.


Useable capacity of the tank: approximately 23.1 gal or 17.6 gal (105 litres or 80 litres) (depending on the vehicle).

Filling the tank
Please observe the following instructions:

  • with the ignition off, wait at least 20 seconds before starting to fill with fuel;
  • open the driver’s door to open the flap 1;
  • depending on the vehicle, unlock the cap 2 using the key, then remove it and attach it to the flap 1;
  • when filling the tank partially, add at least 2.2 gallons (10 litres) of fuel.

If these instructions are not observed, the tank filling level will not be taken into account on the instrument panel. After filling, check that the cap and cover are closed.

Filling with fuel
When the pump cuts out automatically at the end of the filling procedure, a maximum of two further filling attempts may be made to maintain an expansion volume. Fuel types that conform to European standards which the engines of ve- hicles sold in Europe are compatible with.

Fuel grade
It is essential to use diesel. Make sure that no water enters the fuel tank ac- cidentally during filling. The sealing system and its surrounding area must be dust-free. Use a high-grade fuel that complies with the specific or equivalent legisla- tion in force in the country where the vehicle is marketed. It must comply with the indications on the label located on the cover  Do not mix even small amounts of petrol (un-leaded or E85) with diesel. Do not use ethanol-based fuel if your vehicle is not compatible with this fuel. Do not add reagent to the fuel – otherwise you risk damaging the engine If you wish to add an additive to the fuel, use a product approved by our Technical Department. Consult an approved dealer.

Fuel filler cap: this is a specific type.
If you have to replace it, make sure it is identical to the original cap. Contact an ap-proved Dealer. Never place the cap near a source of heat or flame. Do not wash the filler area with a high-pressure washer. No modifications what- soever are permitted on any part of the fuel supply system (computers, wiring, fuel circuit, injector, protection covers, etc.) as this may be danger- ous (such work must be undertaken by qualified Network personnel).

Persistent smell of fuel
If you notice a persistent fuel odour you should:

  • stop the vehicle when traffic con- ditions allow it and switch off the ignition;
  • switch on the hazard warning lights and ask your passengers to leave the vehicle and stay clear of the traffic;
  • contact an authorised dealer.

Please note when work- ing close to the engine that it may be hot. In addition, the engine cooling fan may start at any moment. The warning light in the engine compart- ment reminds you of this.

Repriming the fuel circuit
After a breakdown caused by com- pletely running out of fuel, the system must be reprimed before the engine is restarted:

  • set the ignition key to the “On” posi- tion M ➥ 2.2 and wait a few minutes before starting to enable the fuel cir- cuit to be primed;
  • turn the key to position D. If the engine does not start, repeat the procedure;
  • if the engine does not start after several attempts, please contact an authorised dealer.

Please ensure that you comply with the legislation of your country.
It is important to remember that failure to respect regulations in force could lead to legal action being taken against the vehicle owner.

Operating principle
The reagent is intended for Diesel en- gines fitted with the SCR (selective cat- alytic reduction) system. Using the reagent reduces the quantity of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gases. Reagent consumption in real time de- pends on vehicle usage conditions, the equipment fitted, and driving style.

Reagent quality
Use only reagents which conform to standard ISO 22241 and in accord- ance with the mark on the tank filler cap.

Topping up
Useful capacity of fuel tank: approx- imately 21 litres or 28 litres (depend- ing on the vehicle). Ignition off, open the front passenger door to open the cover 2. Unscrew the cap 1.

Note: ammonium hydroxide vapour may escape from the cap opening when the tank temperature is high.

To fill up with reagent, the engine must be stopped (not just on standby in the case of vehicles with the Stop and Start function). You must switch off the ignition

Precautions for use The tank can be filled at the pump. In other cases, it is essential to read the information shown on the reagent con- tainer (e.g. the can or bottle). When filling, handle the reagent care- fully. They can damage clothes, shoes, bodywork components etc. If the reagent overflows, or contami- nates any paintwork, clean the affected area quickly with plenty of cold water and a soft cloth.

Note: if the reagent crystallises, use a soft sponge.

In extreme cold weather conditions
In frosty conditions, fill the reagent tank as soon as the warning light and the “TOP UP AdBlue before 1500 km” message, or, depending on the vehicle, the “TOP UP AdBlue before 1200 km” message is displayed on the instrument panel.

Special cases
The reagent fluid freezes below about -10°C. In these conditions, do not attempt fill- ing when the fluid is frozen. In the event of needing to top up or fill the tank with reagent (on), park the ve- hicle in a hotter location if possible so that the reagent becomes liquid again. Otherwise, have a qualified profes- sional top up or fill up with reagent fluid. After filling the reagent tank, check that the cap and cover are closed, start the engine and WAIT 10 sec- onds with the vehicle stationary, engine running, before setting off again. If this operation is not carried out, the filling of the tank will not be taken into account automatically until after several dozens of minutes of driving. The message “— TOP UP AdBlue” and/or the warning lights will continue to appear until the filling has been registered by the system. No work whatsoever is permitted on any part of the system. To prevent damage, only qualified personnel from our network may work on the system.

Alert with message on the
the instrument panel on display 3 Front-wheel drive and van versions
Warning lights and the messages on the instrument panel 3 are displayed ac- according to the estimated range of the remaining reagent.

Up to 930 miles (1,500 km), do not exceed 2,500 rpm or approximately 56 mph (90 km/h) in the highest gear. After completing this mileage you may drive faster, however, it is only after ap- proximately 3720 miles (6,000 km) that you may reasonably expect full perfor- mance.
During the running in period, do not ac- celerate hard while the engine is still cold and do not let the engine over-rev. Service intervals: refer to the Maintenance Service Booklet for the vehicle.

Note: for a new vehicle in the running-in phase: the coolant level may be higher than the “MAXI” mark on the tank, then drop to between the “MINI” and “MAXI” marks. This does not present a risk.

Ignition switch
“Stop and steering lock” position St To lock: remove the key and turn the steering wheel until the steering column locks. To unlock: turn the key and the steering wheel slightly.

“Accessories” position A
When the ignition is switched off, any accessories (radio, etc.) will continue to function.

“Ignition on” position M
With the ignition on, the engine will be preheating.

“Start” position D
If the engine fails to start at the first at-tempt, turn the key back before activating the starter again. Release the key as soon as the engine starts.

Note: several seconds may pass tween turning the key and the engine starting to allow for engine preheating. Special note on vehicles with a sequential gearbox Depress the brake pedal with the lever in the N position.

Note: if a gear other than neutral is displayed, it flashes; starting is not possible unless you depress the brake pedal while holding the key in the starting position.

In the “Accessories” or “On” position, a system may automatically switch off your vehicle’s accessories depending on the battery charge, to prevent it from discharging completely.

Fuel consumption is accredited in ac- cordance with a standard regulatory method. Identical for all manufactu- rers, this enables vehicles to be compared with one another. Consumption in real-time depends on vehicle usage conditions, the equipment fitted and the user’s driving style. To optimise fuel consumption, please refer to the following advice.

Depending on the vehicle, you will have various functions which enable you to lower your fuel consumption:

  • the rev counter;
  • gear change indicator;
  • the journey record and eco-driving advice via the multimedia display;
  • ECO mode activated by the ECO button;

If fitted on the vehicle, the navigation system provides additional information.

Journey record
Once the engine is switched off, you will see “Journey record” displayed on the screen 2, enabling you to view in- formation relating to your last journey.

This indicates:

  • average fuel consumption;
  • number of miles/kilometres travelled;
  • number of miles/kilometres saved.

An overall rating from 0 to 100 is dis- played to let you assess your eco-driving performance. The higher the rating, the lower the fuel consumption. Eco advice is given to help improve your performance. With your favourite journeys saved, you can evaluate your performance. For more information, please see the multimedia system instructions.

ECO mode
ECO mode is a function which opti- mises fuel consumption. It acts on cer- tain power consuming systems in the vehicle (heating, air conditioning, pow- er-assisted steering, etc.) and on cer- tain driving actions (acceleration, gear changing, cruise control, deceleration, etc.).
Limiting acceleration enables low fuel consumption in urban and surrounding areas. When ECO mode is in use, it is normal for changes in the heating level to occur.

Activating the function
Press switch 4. The 3 warning light comes on on the instrument panel A or B to confirm activation. While driving, it is possible to leave the ECO mode temporarily in order to improve engine performance. To do this, press the accelerator pedal firmly and fully. ECO mode is reactivated when you take pressure off the accelerator pedal.

Disabling the function
Press switch 4. Warning light 3 goes out on the instrument panel to confirm deactivation.


Driving advice, Eco-driving Behaviour

  • Drive carefully for the first few miles until the engine reaches its normal operating temperature, rather than let it warm up while the vehicle is sta- tionary.
  • Dynamic driving with a lot of frequent acceleration and braking is expen- sive on fuel in comparison to the time saved.
  • High speeds significantly affect the vehicle’s fuel consumption. Examples (at a steady speed):
  • reducing the speed from 80 mph (130 km/h) to 68 mph (110 km/h) ap- proximately saves up to 20% of fuel approximately;
  • reducing the speed from 56 mph (90 km/h) to 50 mph (80 km/h) ap- proximately saves up to 10% of fuel approximately.
  • Do not overrev the engine in the in- termediate gears.
    You should always use the highest gear possible.
  • Avoid sudden acceleration.
  • Brake as little as possible. If you an- ticipate an obstacle or bend in ad- vance, you may then simply release the accelerator pedal.
  • Do not try to maintain the same speed up a hill, accelerate no more than you would on the level. Keep your foot in the same position on the accelerator pedal.
  • Double declutching and accelerating before switching off are unnecessary in modern vehicles.


What is the 2023 Renault Master?

The 2023 Renault Master is a latest-model large van produced by Renault, designed for commercial use.

What engine options are available in the 2023 Renault Master?

The 2023 model typically offers a range of diesel engines, potentially including newer, more efficient options. Specific engine details vary by market.

Has the fuel efficiency improved in the 2023 model?

Yes, the 2023 Renault Master likely features improved fuel efficiency due to advancements in engine technology and aerodynamics.

Are there any electric or hybrid versions available?

As of my last update, Renault had plans to introduce electric versions, but availability would depend on the market.

What are the key features of the 2023 Renault Master?

Key features include advanced driver-assistance systems, a modernized interior, improved cargo space, and enhanced connectivity options.

How has the interior been upgraded?

The interior has been upgraded with a focus on ergonomics, featuring comfortable seating, a redesigned dashboard, and improved infotainment systems.

What safety features are included in the 2023 model?

It likely includes features such as lane-keeping assistance, blind-spot monitoring, and improved braking systems.

What are the cargo space dimensions?

Cargo dimensions vary by model, but the 2023 Master is known for its spacious and versatile cargo area.

Is there a passenger version available?

Yes, the Renault Master is typically available in both cargo and passenger configurations.

What is the towing capacity of the 2023 Renault Master?

Towing capacity depends on the specific model and engine, but it’s designed to be robust for commercial towing needs.

Has the exterior design changed from the previous model?

The 2023 model may feature subtle exterior design tweaks for a more modern and aerodynamic look.

Are there new color options for the 2023 model?

New models often introduce fresh color options, but specifics depend on the market.

What warranty does Renault offer with the 2023 Master?

Warranty terms vary by region, but Renault typically offers a competitive warranty for its commercial vehicles.

How does the 2023 Master compare to its competitors?

The 2023 Master is designed to be competitive in its class, offering a balance of efficiency, space, and technology.

What is the price range for the 2023 Renault Master?

Pricing varies based on configuration and market, but it’s positioned to offer value in the commercial van segment.

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